The Pika AI Video Web Bot

This is the starting point for creating your video generations.

Postman Collection Available

View the collection of API calls through Postman. You can use this to preview requests in any programming language.


/:generateGenerate a video from text and optional attachments. Also used to edit or reprompt a video.
/:lipSyncAdd lip snyc to an existing video.
/:adjustEdit an existing video with inpainting or outpainting
/:extendExtend an existing video by adding 4s of runtime
/:upscaleUpscale an existing video


Options are a required parameter for every request. They are used to configure the video generation. The options are shown below.

parametersParametersYesThe parameters for a video. Paramters are shown below.
frameRatenumberYesThe frame rate for the video: Value must be between 1 and 24
aspectRatiotextNoThe aspect ration of the video, must be one of: "16:9", "9:16", "1:1", "5:2", "4:5", "4:3"
cameraCameraNoThe camera settings for the video. Camera settings are shown below.


Parameters is a required parameter for Options

motionnumberYesThe strength of motion value for the video. Must be between 1 and 4.
guidanceScalenumberYesConsistency with the text value for the video. Must be between 5 and 25
negativePrompttextNoThe negative prompt value for the video
seednumberNoA seed value for the video


Camera is an optional parameter for Options

zoomtextNoThe zoom setting for the video, value must be either "in" or "out"
pantextNoThe pan setting for the video, value must be either "left" or "right"
tilttextNoThe tilt setting for the video, value must be either "up" or "down"
rotatetextNoThe rotate setting for the video, value must be either "cw" (Clockwise) or "ccw" (Counter Clockwise)


Area is a required parameter for the Adjust endpoints. The area is a rectangle that is drawn over the existing video. All values are expressed as a percentage of the video's dimensions.

The values for x and width should add up to at most 100 or an error will be thrown. The values for y and height should add up to at most 100 or an error will be thrown.

xnumberYesA relative position on the x axis for the drawn rectangle. Value must between 0 and 100. A value of 0 denotes the start of the video and 100 denotes the end of the video
ynumberYesA relative position on the y axis for the drawn rectangle. Value must between 0 and 100. A value of 0 denotes the top of the video and 100 denotes the bottom of the video
widthnumberYesThe relative width of the drawn rectangle. Value must between 0 and 100. A value of 100 denotes the full width of the video.
heightnumberYesThe relative height of the drawn rectangle. Value must between 0 and 100. A value of 100 denotes the full height of the video.

Get Job

Grab the results for a job after using any of the other endpoints


URL Params

/:jobIdThe pikaJobId from a sucessful request



200 OK

    "job": {
        "requestType": "generate",
        "upscaled": false,
        "adjusted": false,
        "pikaJobId": "e89c86c1-2969-1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5",
        "id": "e89c86c1-2969-1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5",
        "accountId": "zJHhI5G1234gL1vcG2Mf",
        "params": {
            "options": {
                "extend": false,
                "frameRate": 24,
                "aspectRatio": "16:9",
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "seed": null,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": ""
            "promptText": "robed villain lurking the streets",
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-8fe1-4eea210d0cac"
        "promptText": "robed villain lurking the streets",
        "extended": 0,
        "createdAt": {
            "_seconds": 1704766446,
            "_nanoseconds": 451000000
    "videos": [
            "jobId": "e89c86c1-2969-1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5",
            "pikaVideoId": "e89c86c1-2969-1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5",
            "accountId": "zJHhI5G1234gL1vcG2Mf",
            "id": "e89c86c1-2969-1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5",
            "duration": 3,
            "feedback": 0,
            "seed": null,
            "progress": 100,
            "resultUrl": "",
            "imageThumb": "https://example.image/1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5/thumbnail.jpg",
            "videoPoster": "https://example.image/1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5/poster.jpg",
            "status": "finished"


Generate a video from text and optional attachments


Request Body

promptTexttextNoThe text to create a video from
modeltextNoOne of '1.0', '1.5', '2.0', '2.1', 'Turbo'. Default 1.0. Pika Additions and Pika Swap use Turbo.
pikaffecttextNoModel 1.5 only. One of 'Peel', 'Poke', 'Tear', 'Levitate', 'Decapitate', 'Eye-pop', 'Inflate', 'Melt', 'Explode', 'Squish', 'Crush', 'Cake-ify', 'Ta-da', 'Deflate', 'Crumble', 'Dissolve', 'Hearts Bouquet, 'Proposal', 'Love Bomb', 'Cupid Strike', 'Rose', 'Crazy in Love'
ingredientsModetextNoModel 2.0 only. One of 'precise', 'creative'. Defaults to 'precise'. For Turbo model, this is always set to 'precise'.
ingredientstext arrayNoModel 2.0 only. A list of images to use for the video. Each image must be a valid .png, .jpeg, .webp or .gif file
optionsOptionsYesThe options for the video
videotextSpecialRequired for Turbo model (Pika Additions). Optional for Model 1.0 and 1.5. A video url to generate the video from, must be a valid .mp4 file
imagetextSpecialRequired for Turbo model (Pika Additions). Optional for other models. An image url to generate the video from, must be a valid .png, .jpeg, .webp or .gif file. Will not be used if ingredients are provided when using model 2.0.
sfxbooleanNoModel 1.0 only. Enable sound effects if set to 'true'
styletextNoModel 1.0 only. One of 'Anime', 'Moody', '3D', 'Watercolor', 'Natural', 'Claymation', 'Black & white'
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook

Example Request Body v1.0

  "promptText": "robed villain lurking the streets",
  "image": "https://example.image/1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5/image.jpg",
  "options": {
    "aspectRatio": "16:9",
    "frameRate": 24,
    "camera": {
      "rotate": null,
      "zoom": null,
      "tilt": null,
      "pan": null
    "parameters": {
      "guidanceScale": 12,
      "motion": 1,
      "negativePrompt": "",
      "seed": null
    "extend": false

Example Request Body v1.5

  "promptText": "robed villain lurking the streets",
  "model": "1.5",
  "pikaffect": "Peel",
  "image": "https://example.image/1234-a186-53c4c6171ab5/image.jpg",
  "options": {
    "aspectRatio": "16:9",
    "frameRate": 24,
    "camera": {
      "rotate": null,
      "zoom": null,
      "tilt": null,
      "pan": null
    "parameters": {
      "guidanceScale": 12,
      "motion": 1,
      "negativePrompt": "",
      "seed": null
    "extend": false

Example Request Body v2.0

  "promptText": "robed villain lurking the streets",
  "model": "2.0",
  "ingredientsMode": "precise",
  "ingredients": [
  "options": {
    "aspectRatio": "16:9",
    "frameRate": 24,
    "camera": {
      "rotate": null,
      "zoom": null,
      "tilt": null,
      "pan": null
    "parameters": {
      "guidanceScale": 12,
      "motion": 1,
      "negativePrompt": "",
      "seed": null
    "extend": false

Response Body

statustextPossible statuses are "queued", "finished", "delayed"

200 OK

  "job": {
    "id": "1233696d-67c8-4293-bf95-524e13aa6578",
    "status": "queued",
    "adjusted": false,
    "accountId": "tlXRhfbjgyr6BbNBUYCo",
    "extended": 0,
    "pikaJobId": "1233696d-67c8-4293-bf95-524e13aa6578",
    "params": {
      "options": {
        "aspectRatio": "16:9",
        "frameRate": 24,
        "camera": {
          "rotate": null,
          "zoom": null,
          "tilt": null,
          "pan": null
        "parameters": {
          "motion": 1,
          "guidanceScale": 12,
          "negativePrompt": "",
          "seed": null
        "extend": false,
        "ingredients-mode": "precise"
      "userId": "1233696d-67c8-4293-bf95-524e13aa6578",
      "promptText": "Dog",
      "sfx": false,
      "styleId": null,
      "model": "1.0"
    "promptText": "Dog",
    "requestType": "generate",
    "upscaled": false,
    "createdAt": "2024-11-02T20:45:23.125Z",
    "webhookUrl": ""
  "video": {
    "accountId": "tlXRhfbjgyr6BbNBUYCo",
    "id": "1233696d-67c8-4293-bf95-524e13aa6578",
    "jobId": "1233696d-67c8-4293-bf95-524e13aa6578",
    "status": "queued",
    "pikaVideoId": "1233696d-67c8-4293-bf95-524e13aa6578",
    "webhookUrl": ""

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Pika Additions - Turbo only

Add content from an image into a video in a natural and engaging way.


Request Body

promptTexttextYesDescription of how to integrate the image into the video. Be specific about the desired interaction and placement.
modeltextYesMust be set to "Turbo"
videotextYesURL of the base video where you want to add the content
imagetextYesURL of the image content you want to add to the video
optionsOptionsYesThe video generation options (see example below)
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook

Example Request Body

  "model": "Turbo",
  "promptText": "Add a magical glowing sword that floats and spins slowly in the center of the scene, casting ethereal light on the surroundings",
  "video": "",
  "image": "",
  "options": {
    "aspectRatio": "16:9",
    "frameRate": 24,
    "camera": {
      "rotate": null,
      "zoom": null,
      "tilt": null,
      "pan": null
    "parameters": {
      "guidanceScale": 12,
      "motion": 1,
      "negativePrompt": "",
      "seed": null
    "extend": false


200 OK

  "job": {
    "id": "e47f9d23-6a2b-41c8-9d78-f15e8a3b4c2d",
    "status": "queued",
    "adjusted": false,
    "accountId": "acc_8k9l0m1n2p3q4r5s6t7u",
    "extended": 0,
    "pikaJobId": "e47f9d23-6a2b-41c8-9d78-f15e8a3b4c2d",
    "params": {
      "options": {
        "aspectRatio": "16:9",
        "frameRate": 24,
        "camera": {
          "rotate": null,
          "zoom": null,
          "tilt": null,
          "pan": null
        "parameters": {
          "motion": 1,
          "guidanceScale": 12,
          "negativePrompt": "",
          "seed": null
        "extend": false,
        "ingredients-mode": "precise"
      "userId": "usr_2x3y4z5a6b7c8d9e0f1",
      "promptText": "Add a magical glowing sword that floats and spins slowly in the center of the scene, casting ethereal light on the surroundings",
      "model": "Turbo",
      "video": "",
      "image": ""
    "promptText": "Add a magical glowing sword that floats and spins slowly in the center of the scene, casting ethereal light on the surroundings",
    "requestType": "generate",
    "upscaled": false,
    "createdAt": "2024-03-22T04:03:41.000Z",
    "webhookUrl": ""
  "video": {
    "accountId": "acc_8k9l0m1n2p3q4r5s6t7u",
    "id": "e47f9d23-6a2b-41c8-9d78-f15e8a3b4c2d",
    "jobId": "e47f9d23-6a2b-41c8-9d78-f15e8a3b4c2d",
    "status": "queued",
    "pikaVideoId": "e47f9d23-6a2b-41c8-9d78-f15e8a3b4c2d",
    "webhookUrl": ""

Pika Swap - Turbo only

Swap a specific area in a video with a new prompt, using both an image and video as reference.


Request Body

swapPrompttextYesDescription of the area you want to swap in the video
promptTexttextYesThe new prompt to generate the content for the swapped area
modeltextYesMust be set to "Turbo"
videotextYesURL of the video where you want to perform the swap
imagetextYesURL of the reference image to use for the swap
optionsOptionsYesThe video generation options (see example below)
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook

Example Request Body

  "swapPrompt": "swap the female in the red dress walking down the street",
  "promptText": "a menacing robed villain with glowing eyes, dark flowing robes billowing in the wind, sinister presence",
  "model": "Turbo",
  "video": "",
  "image": "",
  "options": {
    "aspectRatio": "16:9",
    "frameRate": 24,
    "camera": {
      "rotate": null,
      "zoom": null,
      "tilt": null,
      "pan": null
    "parameters": {
      "guidanceScale": 12,
      "motion": 1,
      "negativePrompt": "",
      "seed": null
    "extend": false


200 OK

  "job": {
    "id": "b47e9c12-8f3d-42a5-9e67-d15f8a2b3c4d",
    "status": "queued",
    "adjusted": false,
    "accountId": "acc_7h8j9k0l1m2n3p4q5r6s",
    "extended": 0,
    "pikaJobId": "b47e9c12-8f3d-42a5-9e67-d15f8a2b3c4d",
    "params": {
      "options": {
        "aspectRatio": "16:9",
        "frameRate": 24,
        "camera": {
          "rotate": null,
          "zoom": null,
          "tilt": null,
          "pan": null
        "parameters": {
          "motion": 1,
          "guidanceScale": 12,
          "negativePrompt": "",
          "seed": null
        "extend": false,
        "ingredients-mode": "precise"
      "userId": "usr_9x8c7v6b5n4m3l2k1j",
      "promptText": "a menacing robed villain with glowing eyes, dark flowing robes billowing in the wind, sinister presence",
      "swapPrompt": "swap the female in the red dress walking down the street",
      "model": "Turbo",
      "video": "",
      "image": ""
    "promptText": "a menacing robed villain with glowing eyes, dark flowing robes billowing in the wind, sinister presence",
    "requestType": "generate",
    "upscaled": false,
    "createdAt": "2024-03-22T04:03:41.000Z",
    "webhookUrl": ""
  "video": {
    "accountId": "acc_7h8j9k0l1m2n3p4q5r6s",
    "id": "b47e9c12-8f3d-42a5-9e67-d15f8a2b3c4d",
    "jobId": "b47e9c12-8f3d-42a5-9e67-d15f8a2b3c4d",
    "status": "queued",
    "pikaVideoId": "b47e9c12-8f3d-42a5-9e67-d15f8a2b3c4d",
    "webhookUrl": ""

Reprompt - v1.0 only

Reprompt a video with a new prompt, reusing an existing video and it's video options


Request Body

promptTexttextNoThe new prompt to regenerate the video
optionsOptionsYesThe options for the video. You can grab your previous options using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.options
videotextYesThe url of the video you want to reprompt. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook


200 OK

    "job": {
        "id": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "adjusted": false,
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "extended": 0,
        "pikaJobId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "params": {
            "options": {
                "aspectRatio": "16:9",
                "frameRate": 24,
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": "",
                    "seed": 144124
                "extend": false
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-1234-4eea210d0cac",
            "promptText": "robed villain striding across reflective floor. temple enfilade. scene made of rectilinear shimmering pattern of scales. sinister awakening face made of flickering neon accents. luminous sequential eye stacks. contained in flaring morse lightwire sequences. repetition of form",
            "video": ""
        "promptText": "robed villain striding across reflective floor. temple enfilade. scene made of rectilinear shimmering pattern of scales. sinister awakening face made of flickering neon accents. luminous sequential eye stacks. contained in flaring morse lightwire sequences. repetition of form",
        "requestType": "generate",
        "upscaled": false,
        "createdAt": {}
    "video": {
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "id": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "jobId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "status": "queued",
        "pikaVideoId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a"

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Lip Sync

Add lip snyc to an existing video.


Request Body

videotextYesA video url to generate the video from, must be a valid .mp4 file
speechStartnumberYesThe start time for the audio file. (speechEnd - speechStart must be less or equal to video length)
speechEndnumberYesThe end time for the audio file. (speechEnd - speechStart must be less or equal to video length)
speechtextYesA audio url to generate the lip sync, must be a valid .wav file
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook


200 OK

    "job": {
        "accountId": "wefeidQbFIDwef",
        "requestType": "generate",
        "upscaled": false,
        "adjusted": false,
        "pikaJobId": "12234ee0-7aac-4d42-ab97-1216d7f782ea",
        "id": "12234ee0-7aac-4d42-ab97-1216d7f782ea",
        "params": {
            "sfx": false,
            "speech": "",
            "options": null,
            "speechEnd": 5,
            "video": "",
            "promptText": "",
            "userId": "123c855a-1841-1234-8d01-316ad9588ad9",
            "speechStart": 2
        "promptText": "",
        "extended": 0,
        "webhookUrl": "",
        "createdAt": "2024-03-22T04:03:41.000Z"
    "videos": [
            "accountId": "wefeidQbFIDwef",
            "jobId": "12234ee0-7aac-4d42-ab97-1216d7f782ea",
            "pikaVideoId": "12234ee0-7aac-4d42-ab97-1216d7f782ea",
            "id": "12234ee0-7aac-4d42-ab97-1216d7f782ea",
            "webhookUrl": "",
            "status": "queued"

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Edit - v1.0 only

Edit an existing video with new options and reusing the same prompt


Request Body

| Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | --------------- | ------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | promptText | text | No | The promptText for the video you want to edit. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.promptText | | options | Options | Yes | The new options for the video. | | video | text | Yes | The url of the video you want to edit. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl | | style | text | No | One of 'Anime', 'Moody', '3D', 'Watercolor', 'Natural', 'Claymation', 'Black & white' | | | ref | text | No | A reference you can attach to the completion | | webhookOverride | text | No | The webhook URL to override the default webhook |


200 OK

    "job": {
        "id": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "adjusted": false,
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "extended": 0,
        "pikaJobId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "params": {
            "options": {
                "aspectRatio": "16:9",
                "frameRate": 24,
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": "",
                    "seed": 144124
                "extend": false
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-1234-4eea210d0cac",
            "promptText": "robed villain striding in a dungeon",
            "video": ""
        "promptText": "robed villain striding in a dungeon",
        "requestType": "generate",
        "upscaled": false,
        "createdAt": {}
    "video": {
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "id": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "jobId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "status": "queued",
        "pikaVideoId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a"

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Adjust (Modify Region / Inapinting) - v1.0 only

Modify a region of an existing video with inpainting


Request Body

| Parameter | Type | Required | Description | | --------------- | ------- | -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --- | | promptText | text | No | The prompt from the pervious video. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.promptText | | options | Options | Yes | The options from the pervious video. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.options | | video | text | Yes | The url of the video you want to edit. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl | | mode | text | Yes | Must be inpainting | | area | Area | Yes | The area of the video you want to adjust. | | style | text | No | One of 'Anime', 'Moody', '3D', 'Watercolor', 'Natural', 'Claymation', 'Black & white' | | | ref | text | No | A reference you can attach to the completion | | webhookOverride | text | No | The webhook URL to override the default webhook |


200 OK

    "job": {
        "id": "a602bb11-9c52-459d-bdd6-6666c5e03ca6",
        "adjusted": true,
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "extended": 0,
        "pikaJobId": "a602bb11-9c52-459d-bdd6-6666c5e03ca6",
        "params": {
            "mode": "inpainting",
            "options": {
                "aspectRatio": "16:9",
                "frameRate": 24,
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": "",
                    "seed": 144124
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-1234-4eea210d0cac",
            "promptText": "people on the moon",
            "area": {
                "x": 80,
                "y": 80,
                "width": 20,
                "height": 20
            "mask": null,
            "video": ""
        "promptText": "people on the moon",
        "requestType": "generate",
        "upscaled": false,
        "createdAt": {}
    "video": {
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "id": "a602bb11-9c52-459d-bdd6-6666c5e03ca6",
        "jobId": "a602bb11-9c52-459d-bdd6-6666c5e03ca6",
        "status": "queued",
        "pikaVideoId": "a602bb11-9c52-459d-bdd6-6666c5e03ca6"

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Adjust (Extend Canvas / Outpainting) - v1.0 only

Extend the canvas for an existing video using outpainting


Request Body

promptTexttextYesThe prompt from the pervious video. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.promptText
optionsOptionsYesThe options from the pervious video. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.options
options.aspectRatiotextYesWhen outpainting, the aspectRatio field is required in options and can be same or different from the original video
videotextYesThe url of the video you want to edit. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl
modetextYesMust be "outpainting"
areaAreaYesThe area of the video you want to adjust.
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook


200 OK

    "job": {
        "id": "50959a23-1234-40db-9bfc-14648c1e424a",
        "adjusted": true,
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "extended": 0,
        "pikaJobId": "50959a23-1234-40db-9bfc-14648c1e424a",
        "params": {
            "mode": "outpainting",
            "options": {
                "aspectRatio": "1:1",
                "frameRate": 24,
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": "",
                    "seed": 144124
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-1234-4eea210d0cac",
            "promptText": "people flying on a helicopter",
            "area": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0,
                "width": 100,
                "height": 100
            "mask": null,
            "video": ""
        "promptText": "people flying on a helicopter",
        "requestType": "generate",
        "upscaled": false,
        "createdAt": {}
    "video": {
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "id": "50959a23-1234-40db-9bfc-14648c1e424a",
        "jobId": "50959a23-1234-40db-9bfc-14648c1e424a",
        "status": "queued",
        "pikaVideoId": "50959a23-1234-40db-9bfc-14648c1e424a"

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Extend - v1.0 only

Extend a video with an existing video url, adds 4 seconds of runtime to the video. You need a "Standard" Pika subscription to use this endpoint.


Request Body

promptTexttextNoThe prompt from the pervious video. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.promptText
optionsOptionsYesThe options from the pervious video. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in job.params.options
videotextYesThe url of the video you want to edit. You can grab it using the Get Job endpoint. Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl
reftextNoA reference you can attach to the completion
webhookOverridetextNoThe webhook URL to override the default webhook


200 OK

    "job": {
        "id": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "adjusted": false,
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "extended": 1,
        "pikaJobId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "params": {
            "options": {
                "aspectRatio": "16:9",
                "frameRate": 24,
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": "",
                    "seed": 144124
                "extend": true
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-1234-4eea210d0cac",
            "promptText": "robed villain striding across reflective floor. temple enfilade. scene made of rectilinear shimmering pattern of scales. sinister awakening face made of flickering neon accents. luminous sequential eye stacks. contained in flaring morse lightwire sequences. repetition of form",
            "video": ""
        "promptText": "robed villain striding across reflective floor. temple enfilade. scene made of rectilinear shimmering pattern of scales. sinister awakening face made of flickering neon accents. luminous sequential eye stacks. contained in flaring morse lightwire sequences. repetition of form",
        "requestType": "extend",
        "upscaled": false,
        "createdAt": {}
    "video": {
        "accountId": "z123I5GukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "id": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "jobId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a",
        "status": "queued",
        "pikaVideoId": "0ddd943f-c724-445b-b389-fe2661e0070a"

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Upscale - v1.0 only

Upscale a video generated by the Pika Web Bot. You need a "Standard" Pika subscription to use this endpoint.


Request Body

videotextYesThe url of the video you want to upscale. Must be generated by the Pika Web Bot. Can be found in Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl


200 OK

    "success": true,
    "video": "",
    "message": "Upscale job was started, please use the video url with the POST /web/jobs/upscaled endpoint to check the status of the job."

You can retrieve progress updates and the completion using the Get Upscale Job endpoint! You will also receive a webhook update automatically on completion if configured.

Get Upscale Job

Get the result of an Upscale job using the original video url


Request Body

videotextYesThe original url of the video you wanted to upscale. Must be generated by the Pika Web Bot. Can be found in Can be found in videos[0].resultUrl


200 OK

    "job": {
        "requestType": "upscale",
        "upscaled": true,
        "adjusted": false,
        "pikaJobId": "f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6",
        "accountId": "zJH1234ukOugL1vcG2Mf",
        "id": "f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6",
        "promptText": "people flying on a helicopter",
        "params": {
            "options": {
                "frameRate": 24,
                "aspectRatio": "16:9",
                "camera": {
                    "rotate": null,
                    "zoom": null,
                    "tilt": null,
                    "pan": null
                "parameters": {
                    "motion": 1,
                    "seed": null,
                    "guidanceScale": 12,
                    "negativePrompt": ""
            "video": "https://example.url/v1/4c3cb912-4a7a-1234-a01d-1f3f44afc553/people_flying_on_a_helicopter_seed144124.mp4",
            "promptText": "people flying on a helicopter",
            "userId": "92b68ee2-a71d-4500-8fe1-4eea210d0cac"
        "extended": 0,
        "createdAt": "2024-01-12T05:26:41.000Z"
    "videos": [
            "jobId": "f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6",
            "pikaVideoId": "f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6",
            "accountId": "zJH1234ukOugL1vcG2Mf",
            "id": "f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6",
            "duration": 3,
            "feedback": 0,
            "seed": null,
            "progress": 100,
            "resultUrl": "https://example.url/v1/f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6/people_flying_on_a_helicopter_seed144124_upscaled.mp4",
            "imageThumb": "https://example.url/v1/f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6/thumbnail.jpg",
            "videoPoster": "https://example.url/v1/f4fae039-74bd-4387-1234-c9352a8decd6/poster.jpg",
            "status": "finished"